QUB Management School, Riddel Hall


QUB Management School, Riddel Hall

QUB Management School is one of the top business schools in the UK and Ireland and prides itself on offering a world-class range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in Accounting, Economics, Finance and Management.

The proposed building will extend and enhance the Riddel Hall campus and contribute to the on-going success of the Queen’s Management School located at the site. The expansion of the School will ensure that it is fit to serve the changing educational needs of a rapidly growing postgraduate community, who will prove invaluable to the progress of the Northern Ireland economy.

The project will provide teaching space and ancillary research, support, and social accommodation. It will also involve renovation work to the listed Riddel Hall building due to the relocation of current facilities to the new proposed space.

The expansion and redevelopment of Queen’s Management School at Riddel Hall will prove vital not only to the University but also to the local and international economy.

The site is located within lands owned by Queen's University and that form part of the original establishment opened by the Riddel sisters. It lies to the south of the main Queen's University campus and Lanyon Building which are approximately a 10 minute walk away. Stranmillis University College (Teacher Training College)occupies lands directly to the Southern edge of the RiddelHall site, with the primary vehicular route to the East being the Stranmillis Road. The remainder of the site is broadly surrounded by landscaped areas and the entire site is within the Stranmillis Conservation Area.

The works predominantly involve the development of a new building to provide modern facilities for the Queen's University Management School (which now includes the Leadership Institute and its activities).


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